
Monoalkyl Phosphinic Acids as Ligands in Nanocrystal Synthesis

Dhaene, Evert and Pokratath, Rohan and Aalling-Frederiksen, Olivia and Jensen, Kirsten M. O. and Smet, Philippe F. and De Buysser, Klaartje and De Roo, Jonathan. (2022) Monoalkyl Phosphinic Acids as Ligands in Nanocrystal Synthesis. ACS Nano, 16 (5). pp. 7361-7372.

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Ligands play a crucial role in the synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals. Nevertheless, only a handful molecules are currently used, oleic acid being the most typical example. Here, we show that monoalkyl phosphinic acids are another interesting ligand class, forming metal complexes with a reactivity that is intermediate between the traditional carboxylates and phosphonates. We first present the synthesis of n-hexyl, 2-ethylhexyl, n-tetradecyl, n-octadecyl, and oleylphosphinic acid. These compounds are suitable ligands for high-temperature nanocrystal synthesis (240-300 degrees C) since, in contrast to phosphonic acids, they do not form anhydride oligomers. Consequently, CdSe quantum dots synthesized with octadecylphosphinic acid are conveniently purified, and their UV-vis spectrum is free from background scattering. The CdSe nanocrystals have a low polydispersity and a photoluminescence quantum yield up to 18% (without shell). Furthermore, we could synthesize CdSe and CdS nanorods using phosphinic acid ligands with high shape purity. We conclude that the reactivity toward TOP-S and TOP-Se precursors decreases in the following series: cadmium carboxylate > cadmium phosphinate > cadmium phosphonate. By introducing a third and intermediate class of surfactants, we enhance the versatility of surfactant-assisted syntheses.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Chemie > Chemie > Nanomaterials (De Roo)
UniBasel Contributors:De Roo, Jonathan and Pokratath, Rohan
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:American Chemical Society
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:27 Apr 2023 01:30
Deposited On:15 Dec 2022 08:38

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