
KCNE4-dependent functional consequences of Kv1.3-related leukocyte physiology

Vallejo-Gracia, Albert and Sastre, Daniel and Colomer-Molera, Magalí and Solé, Laura and Navarro-Pérez, María and Capera, Jesusa and Roig, Sara R. and Pedrós-Gámez, Oriol and Estadella, Irene and Szilágyi, Orsolya and Panyi, Gyorgy and Hajdú, Péter and Felipe, Antonio. (2021) KCNE4-dependent functional consequences of Kv1.3-related leukocyte physiology. Scientific Reports, 11 (1). p. 14632.

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The voltage-dependent potassium channel Kv1.3 plays essential roles in the immune system, participating in leukocyte activation, proliferation and apoptosis. The regulatory subunit KCNE4 acts as an ancillary peptide of Kv1.3, modulates K; +; currents and controls channel abundance at the cell surface. KCNE4-dependent regulation of the oligomeric complex fine-tunes the physiological role of Kv1.3. Thus, KCNE4 is crucial for Ca; 2+; -dependent Kv1.3-related leukocyte functions. To better understand the role of KCNE4 in the regulation of the immune system, we manipulated its expression in various leukocyte cell lines. Jurkat T lymphocytes exhibit low KCNE4 levels, whereas CY15 dendritic cells, a model of professional antigen-presenting cells, robustly express KCNE4. When the cellular KCNE4 abundance was increased in T cells, the interaction between KCNE4 and Kv1.3 affected important T cell physiological features, such as channel rearrangement in the immunological synapse, cell growth, apoptosis and activation, as indicated by decreased IL-2 production. Conversely, ablation of KCNE4 in dendritic cells augmented proliferation. Furthermore, the LPS-dependent activation of CY15 cells, which induced Kv1.3 but not KCNE4, increased the Kv1.3-KCNE4 ratio and increased the expression of free Kv1.3 without KCNE4 interaction. Our results demonstrate that KCNE4 is a pivotal regulator of the Kv1.3 channelosome, which fine-tunes immune system physiology by modulating Kv1.3-associated leukocyte functions.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Biozentrum > Services Biozentrum > Imaging Core Facility (Biehlmaier)
UniBasel Contributors:Roig Merino, Sara Raquel
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:03 Mar 2022 15:28
Deposited On:03 Mar 2022 15:28

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