
Youth and the Participatory Promise

Cortesi, Sandra. Youth and the Participatory Promise. 2021, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Psychology.


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The emergence of digital technologies and the ways we have seen many youth engaging with the digital environment suggests that youth may no longer be just passive consumers of digital technologies but that — given the right circumstances — can become more active co-designers and co-shapers of the digital environment. This promise of enhanced participation is supported by two strands of research. First, from a purely descriptive perspective, my research shows increased participation when studying youth behavior in various areas, including privacy and news. Second, from an analytical and normative perspective, we can observe a trend — and should support the potential — of stronger youth engagement and an increase in opportunities for youth to participate as we shape the future of our digital society. The implementation of participatory research methods and the child rights discourse illustrate this participatory potential. Together, the two perspectives suggest a “participatory promise,” in which young people have an integral and constitutive role when embracing the benefits and addressing the challenges of the digital environment and shaping its future.
Advisors:Opwis, Klaus
Committee Members:Trechsel, Alexander
Faculties and Departments:07 Faculty of Psychology > Departement Psychologie > Society & Choice > Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodologie (Opwis)
UniBasel Contributors:Opwis, Klaus
Item Type:Thesis
Thesis Subtype:Doctoral Thesis
Thesis no:14582
Thesis status:Complete
Number of Pages:96 Seiten
Identification Number:
  • urn: urn:nbn:ch:bel-bau-diss145821
edoc DOI:
Last Modified:15 Feb 2022 10:59
Deposited On:25 Jan 2022 11:02

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