Struck, Joachim. «Eingesehen und dem Avisblatt einzurüken befohlen.» Das Basler Avis-Blatt in der Helvetik: Anzeigen als Medium institutioneller Kommunikation zwischen 1796 und 1805. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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Das Basler Avis-Blatt, ein zwischen 1729 und 1844/45 wöchentlich erscheinendes Anzeigenblatt, war ein im Alltag der baselstädtischen Bevölkerung fest verankertes Medium. Die Arbeit untersucht für den Zeitraum 1796-1805 – der letzten Jahre des Ancien Régime, des radikalen verfassungsmässigen Umbruchs mit der Helvetik 1798 und der bereits 1803 wiedereinsetzenden restaurativen Phase der sog. Meditation –, wie dieses Blatt trotz privater Trägerschaft von den Behörden als halbamtliches Publikationsorgan genutzt wurde. Dabei erweist sich der Begriff der «institutionellen Kommunikation» für die Analyse der zahlreichen, von den neuen Institutionen veröffentlichten Kleinanzeigen als zielführend. Die politischen, institutionellen und personellen Umbrüche und Kontinuitäten des Untersuchungszeitraums spiegeln sich auch in den «institutionellen Anzeigen» des Avis-Blatts. Die mediale Etablierung der neuen helvetischen Ordnung schlägt sich in den Anzeigen durch eine an der Französischen Revolution orientierten Semantik nieder und führte zu einer «Helvetisierung» des Avis-Blatts. In der folgenden restaurativen Phase der Meditation kam es zu einer markanten, für die von Reinhart Koselleck postulierten «Sattelzeit» typischen Umwertung von Begriffen der revolutionären Semantik wie «Bürger» oder «Patriot», die nun konservativ besetzt und umgedeutet wurden. Es zeigt sich, dass auch in dem nicht-redaktionellen Medium institutioneller Kleinanzeigen diese Entwicklungen nachgewiesen werden können.
The Basel Avis-Blatt, an advertising paper that was published weekly between 1729 and 1844/45, was a medium that was firmly anchored in the everyday life of the Basel population. The master thesis investigates for the period 1796-1805 – the last years of the Ancien Régime, the radical constitutional upheaval with the Helvetic Republic in 1798 and the restorative phase of the so-called “Mediation”, which began in 1803 –, how this paper was used by the authorities as a semi-official publication despite its private sponsorship. The term “institutional communication” proves to be useful for analyzing the numerous classified ads published by the new institutions. The political, institutional and personal upheavals and continuities of the period under investigation are also reflected in the “institutional advertisements” of the Basler Avis-Blatt. The establishment of the new Helvetic order in the media is also reflected in the advertisements through semantics based on the French Revolution and led to the “Helvetization” of the Avisblatt. In the following restorative phase of Mediation, there was a marked revaluation of terms of revolutionary semantics such as “citizen” or “patriot”. They were now reinterpreted in conservative manner, which is typical of the “Sattelzeit” (postulated by Reinhart Koselleck). It turns out that these developments can be shown in the non-editorial medium of the “institutional advertisements” classified ads.
The Basel Avis-Blatt, an advertising paper that was published weekly between 1729 and 1844/45, was a medium that was firmly anchored in the everyday life of the Basel population. The master thesis investigates for the period 1796-1805 – the last years of the Ancien Régime, the radical constitutional upheaval with the Helvetic Republic in 1798 and the restorative phase of the so-called “Mediation”, which began in 1803 –, how this paper was used by the authorities as a semi-official publication despite its private sponsorship. The term “institutional communication” proves to be useful for analyzing the numerous classified ads published by the new institutions. The political, institutional and personal upheavals and continuities of the period under investigation are also reflected in the “institutional advertisements” of the Basler Avis-Blatt. The establishment of the new Helvetic order in the media is also reflected in the advertisements through semantics based on the French Revolution and led to the “Helvetization” of the Avisblatt. In the following restorative phase of Mediation, there was a marked revaluation of terms of revolutionary semantics such as “citizen” or “patriot”. They were now reinterpreted in conservative manner, which is typical of the “Sattelzeit” (postulated by Reinhart Koselleck). It turns out that these developments can be shown in the non-editorial medium of the “institutional advertisements” classified ads.
Advisors: | Burghartz, Susanna |
Committee Members: | Missfelder, Jan-Friedrich |
Faculties and Departments: | 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Geschichte > Ehemalige Einheiten Geschichte > Renaissance und frühe Neuzeit (Burghartz) 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Geschichte > Bereich Frühe Neuzeit > Vocal Power (Missfelder) |
UniBasel Contributors: | Burghartz, Susanna and Missfelder, Jan-Friedrich |
Item Type: | Thesis |
Thesis Subtype: | Master Thesis |
Thesis no: | UNSPECIFIED |
Thesis status: | Complete |
Last Modified: | 04 May 2021 04:31 |
Deposited On: | 03 May 2021 15:24 |
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