Brunner Grandy, Anita. Das Nachhaltigkeitspotenzial von Politik-Instrumenten : ein mikroperspektivisches Instrumentarium zur Wirkungsanalyse von Einflussfaktoren auf Akteur-Handlungen in ihrem Kontext. 2017, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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Unter Governance einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung werden in der Literatur vornehmlich partnerschaftliche Strukturen und Gestaltungsfreiraum propagiert. Die generelle Überlegenheit entsprechender Governance-Formen über traditionelle top-down Regulierungen punkto Nachhaltigkeitswirkungen ist allerdings noch nicht erbracht. Dazu fehlen umfangreiche Vergleiche zwischen unterschiedlichen Governance-Formen hinsichtlich einer umfassenden Zieldimension einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Die Forschungsarbeit widmet sich der Entwicklung eines Instrumentariums, welches geeignet ist, entsprechende Vergleiche anstellen zu können. Das Instrumentarium richtet sich auf die Beurteilung des Nachhaltigkeitspotenzials verschiedenartiger Politikinstrumente, wie sie in Governance-Formen als Settings gesellschaftlicher Steuerungsmechanismen vorliegen. Die Zieldimension orientiert sich an der Brundtland-Definition einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ist angelehnt an das integrative Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren. Die integrative Sichtweise bezweckt, die vielfältigen Aspekte von Nachhaltigkeit vereint im Blick zu behalten und Zielkonflikte zu erkennen. Das Analyseinstrumentarium beruht auf einer mikroperspektivischen Sicht in Anlehnung an den akteurzentrierten Handlungsansatz von Scharpf. Dabei werden der Handlungskontext der Akteure betrachtet und Wirkungszusammenhänge berücksichtigt. Dieses Vorgehen ermöglicht die gezielte Zuschreibung von Einflussfaktoren zu Wirkungen, womit die Effekte der untersuchten Politikinstrumente gezielt extrahiert und Fremdeinflüsse erkannt werden können. Das entwickelte Analyseinstrumentarium wird am Ende der Arbeit exemplarisch im Rahmen zweier Fallstudien, die im Bereich der Freiwilligenarbeit angesiedelt sind, auf die Verwertbarkeit in der empirischen Anwendung getestet. Das Instrumentarium erwies sich dabei als fruchtbar wenn auch komplex in der Handhabung. Insbesondere eignet es sich, um pauschalisierenden oder ungeprüften Unterstellungen zu Wirkungsannahmen entgegenzuwirken und die Relevanz von Kontextfaktoren des politischen Settings aufzuzeigen.
Contemporary sustainability governance literature focuses mainly on participatory structures and freedom of choice. However, when compared to more traditional top-down type governmental structures, it is not yet proven if these contemporary methods can be understood as being more successful than their traditional counterparts. Extensive comparisons between different modes of governance are missing with regard to a broad range of sustainability impacts. Therefore, this research paper seeks to develop an instrument by which such comparisons can be undertaken. More precisely, the instrument focuses on the examination of the sustainability potential of different kinds of policy instruments that represent social steering mechanisms in governance settings. The goal dimension assigned to the instrument refers to the Brundtland definition of sustainable development and is deduced from the integrative guiding principles of a sustainable development, as developed by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. This integrative approach aims to jointly address the broad aspects of sustainability and to detect any conflict of objectives which may exist. The instrument is founded on the actor-oriented action approach of Scharpf, which underlines the micro-perspective level of a topic. Therefore, the context of action and interdependencies are part of the examination conducted by the instrument, which allows cause to be ascribed to effect. Consequently the real impact of the evaluated policy instruments’ interaction with other influencing factors can be assessed. Ultimately, two case studies on the topic of voluntary work are undertaken with which to test the empirical application of the developed instrument. The consequential results affirm the potential of the instrument, although its handling is complex. Nonetheless, it can be concluded that the instrument is a suitable tool which can assist in preventing generalized and unevaluated presumptions of interdependencies. Furthermore, it demonstrates the relevance of contextual factors of the political setting.
Contemporary sustainability governance literature focuses mainly on participatory structures and freedom of choice. However, when compared to more traditional top-down type governmental structures, it is not yet proven if these contemporary methods can be understood as being more successful than their traditional counterparts. Extensive comparisons between different modes of governance are missing with regard to a broad range of sustainability impacts. Therefore, this research paper seeks to develop an instrument by which such comparisons can be undertaken. More precisely, the instrument focuses on the examination of the sustainability potential of different kinds of policy instruments that represent social steering mechanisms in governance settings. The goal dimension assigned to the instrument refers to the Brundtland definition of sustainable development and is deduced from the integrative guiding principles of a sustainable development, as developed by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. This integrative approach aims to jointly address the broad aspects of sustainability and to detect any conflict of objectives which may exist. The instrument is founded on the actor-oriented action approach of Scharpf, which underlines the micro-perspective level of a topic. Therefore, the context of action and interdependencies are part of the examination conducted by the instrument, which allows cause to be ascribed to effect. Consequently the real impact of the evaluated policy instruments’ interaction with other influencing factors can be assessed. Ultimately, two case studies on the topic of voluntary work are undertaken with which to test the empirical application of the developed instrument. The consequential results affirm the potential of the instrument, although its handling is complex. Nonetheless, it can be concluded that the instrument is a suitable tool which can assist in preventing generalized and unevaluated presumptions of interdependencies. Furthermore, it demonstrates the relevance of contextual factors of the political setting.
Advisors: | Burger, Paul and Pregernig, Michael |
Faculties and Departments: | 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Fachbereich Nachhaltigkeitsforschung > Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (Burger) |
UniBasel Contributors: | Burger, Paul |
Item Type: | Thesis |
Thesis Subtype: | Doctoral Thesis |
Thesis no: | 12916 |
Thesis status: | Complete |
Number of Pages: | 1 Online-Ressource (VII, 258 Seiten) |
Language: | German |
Identification Number: |
edoc DOI: | |
Last Modified: | 06 May 2019 13:21 |
Deposited On: | 09 Apr 2019 11:22 |
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