
[Daily routine of informal caregivers-needs and concerns with regard to the discharge of their elderly family members from the hospital setting-a qualitative study]. Der Alltag pflegender Angehöriger – Was sie während des Spitalaufenthalts ihres Familienmitglieds beschäftigt im Hinblick auf den Austritt und was sie diesbezüglich für sich benötigen: eine qualitative Studie

Küttel, Cornelia and Schäfer-Keller, Petra and Brunner, Corinne and Conca, Antoinette and Schütz, Philipp and Frei, Irena Anna. (2015) [Daily routine of informal caregivers-needs and concerns with regard to the discharge of their elderly family members from the hospital setting-a qualitative study]. Der Alltag pflegender Angehöriger – Was sie während des Spitalaufenthalts ihres Familienmitglieds beschäftigt im Hinblick auf den Austritt und was sie diesbezüglich für sich benötigen: eine qualitative Studie. Pflege, 28 (2). pp. 111-121.

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The care of an elderly frail and ill family member places a great responsibility on informal caregivers. Following discharge of the older person from the hospital setting it can be observed that caregivers are often inadequately informed about aspects such as health status, prognosis, complications, and care interventions. Concerns and needs of caregivers regarding their daily living and routine following hospital discharge has not been investigated and is considered important for an optimized discharge management.; To explore personal needs and concerns of informal caregivers with regard to daily living prior to discharge of their family member.; Eight narrative interviews were conducted with caregivers and were analysed using Mayring's content analysing method.; All caregivers had concerns regarding the maintenance of a functional daily routine. As well as caring and household duties, this functional daily routine included negotiating one's own personal time off duties, the reality of the deteriorating health status of the family member and the associated sense of hope. The intensity of family ties affected the functional daily routine. Caregivers had different expectations with regard to their integration during the hospital period.; To support caregivers in their situation it is advisable to assess the functional daily routine of caregivers. Their need for time off their household and caring duties and their informational and educational needs to pertaining to disease progression, possible sources of support and symptom management should be recognised. Further inquiries into caregiver's involvement and responsibilities in the discharge process are needed.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Public Health > Institut für Pflegewissenschaft
UniBasel Contributors:Frei, Irena Anna
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:08 Dec 2018 11:40
Deposited On:08 Dec 2018 11:40

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