Winkler Metzke, Christa and Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph. (1999) Risiko-, Protektions- und Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren für seelische Gesundheit und psychische Störungen im Jugendalter. II: Die Bedeutung von elterlichem Erziehungsverhalten, schulischer Umwelt und sozialem Netz. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 28 (2). pp. 95-104.
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Im Zürcher Adoleszenten-Psychopathologie-Projekt (ZAPP) wurden für Jungen und Mädchen allgemeine Risikofaktoren bzw. kompensatorische Faktoren für Indikatoren psychischer Störungen (internalisierende und externalisierende Störungen) sowie Protektions- und Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren bei N = 1110 10-17jährigen Probanden einer schulbasierten Quotenstichprobe erhoben. Dieser zweite Bericht behandelt die Beziehung von Belastungen durch Lebensereignisse mit dem perzipierten Erziehungsverhalten der Eltern, Faktoren der Schulumwelt und dem sozialen Netzwerk. Allgemeine kompensatorische Faktoren für beide Geschlechter waren Wärme und Unterstützung durch die Eltern sowie die Anerkennung durch Gleichaltrige, allgemeine Risikofaktoren für beide Geschlechter waren die wahrgenommene Ablehnung und psychischer Druck durch die Eltern, Konkurrenzverhalten zwischen den Schülern, Leistungsdruck und Kontrolle durch die Lehrperson. Ebenfalls für beide Geschlechter hatten die Faktoren des elterlichen Erziehungsverhaltens ‘Wärme/Unterstützung’ sowie ‘Regeln/Kontrolle’, die Anerkennung durch Gleichaltrige und die Effizienz des sozialen Netzwerkes einen protektiven Effekt, Ablehnung durch die Eltern einen Vulnerabilitätseffekt auf internalisierende Störungen. Nur für die Mädchen zeigte die Ablehnung durch die Eltern, nur für die Jungen der schulische Leistungsdruck einen Vulnerabilitätseffekt jeweils auf externalisierende Störungen.
[English abstract] The indicators of general risk factors for mental disorders in addition to those for self-esteem as well as protection and vulnerability factors were collected separately for boys and girls in a sample of 1110 10-17 year-old subjects of a school-based quota sample in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. The factors under study were concerned with stress that was related to life events, parental child-rearing behavior, factors in the school environment and in the social network. General compensatory factors for both sexes included parental emotional warmth and support as well as peer acceptance, general risk factors for both sexes were perceived rejection and psychological pressure from the parents, competitive behavior among pupils, pressure to achieve, and controling behavior of the teachers. Also for both sexes the factors of parental child-rearing behavior ‘emotional warmth and support’ and ‘rules/control’, peer acceptance and the efficiency of the social network presented as a protective factor, rejection by the parents as a vulnerability factor for internalizing disorders. Only for the girls was rejection by the parents, only for the boys was pressure to achieve a vulnerability factor for externalizing disorders in each case.
[English abstract] The indicators of general risk factors for mental disorders in addition to those for self-esteem as well as protection and vulnerability factors were collected separately for boys and girls in a sample of 1110 10-17 year-old subjects of a school-based quota sample in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. The factors under study were concerned with stress that was related to life events, parental child-rearing behavior, factors in the school environment and in the social network. General compensatory factors for both sexes included parental emotional warmth and support as well as peer acceptance, general risk factors for both sexes were perceived rejection and psychological pressure from the parents, competitive behavior among pupils, pressure to achieve, and controling behavior of the teachers. Also for both sexes the factors of parental child-rearing behavior ‘emotional warmth and support’ and ‘rules/control’, peer acceptance and the efficiency of the social network presented as a protective factor, rejection by the parents as a vulnerability factor for internalizing disorders. Only for the girls was rejection by the parents, only for the boys was pressure to achieve a vulnerability factor for externalizing disorders in each case.
Faculties and Departments: | 07 Faculty of Psychology |
UniBasel Contributors: | Steinhausen, Hans-Christoph |
Item Type: | Article, refereed |
Article Subtype: | Research Article |
Publisher: | Hogrefe |
ISSN: | 1616-3443 |
e-ISSN: | 2190-6297 |
Note: | Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article |
Identification Number: | |
Last Modified: | 21 Sep 2020 09:24 |
Deposited On: | 21 Sep 2020 09:24 |
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