Burg, Gaëlle. (2018) La vogue du roman de chevalerie médiéval dans les imprimés renaissants: critique et prescription. In: Prescription culturelle: avatars et médiamorphoses. Paris, pp. 67-84.
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Aux antipodes de l’idée traditionnelle de rupture entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance et des discours de détracteu rs célèbres (comme Montaigne), il est un fait: les romans de chevalerie médiévaux ont continué d’être lus à la Renaissance. En témoignent les nombreuses éditions de la plupart des grands romans arthu riens, des chansons de geste, des romans antiques et des romans d’aventures du Moyen Âge. À l’époque des premières réflexions théoriques sur le roman, le discours critique renaissant de certains humanistes et moralistes s’oppose au discours prescriptif des théoriciens de la langue et de la littérature, sans oublier celui, plus commercial, des éditeurs eux-mêmes. Qualifiée de mensongère, vaine et immorale, cette littérature n’en est pas moins considérée progressivement comme un véritable patrimoine littéraire national.
Contrary to the traditional idea of break between Middle Age and Renaissance and to the critics of famous detractors (like Montaigne), there is a fact: the medieval romances of chivalry continued to be read in Renaissance France. The large number of editions of the Arthurian cycle, the “chansons de geste”, the “romans antiques” and the medieval “romans d’aventures” shows it. At the time of the first theoretical ideas on the “roman”, the critical comments of some humanists and moralists is opposed to the prescriptive comments of the theorists of the language and the literature, and of the publishers themselves in a more commercial purpose. Described as deceitful, vain and immoral, this literature is not less considered gradually as a national literary heritage.
Contrary to the traditional idea of break between Middle Age and Renaissance and to the critics of famous detractors (like Montaigne), there is a fact: the medieval romances of chivalry continued to be read in Renaissance France. The large number of editions of the Arthurian cycle, the “chansons de geste”, the “romans antiques” and the medieval “romans d’aventures” shows it. At the time of the first theoretical ideas on the “roman”, the critical comments of some humanists and moralists is opposed to the prescriptive comments of the theorists of the language and the literature, and of the publishers themselves in a more commercial purpose. Described as deceitful, vain and immoral, this literature is not less considered gradually as a national literary heritage.
Faculties and Departments: | 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften > Fachbereich Französische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft |
UniBasel Contributors: | Burg, Gaëlle |
Item Type: | Conference or Workshop Item, refereed |
Conference or workshop item Subtype: | Conference Paper |
Publisher: | Presses de l'enssib |
ISBN: | 9791091281676 |
Series Name: | Papiers |
ISSN: | 2114-6551 |
Note: | Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Conference paper |
Language: | French |
Language: | English |
edoc DOI: | |
Last Modified: | 30 Oct 2018 13:07 |
Deposited On: | 05 Apr 2018 07:41 |
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