
Role of Pro-637 and Gln-642 in human glucocorticoid receptors and Ser-843 and Leu-848 in mineralocorticoid receptors in their differential responses to cortisol and aldosterone

Mani, Orlando and Nashev, Lyubomir G. and Livelo, Christopher and Baker, Michael E. and Odermatt, Alex. (2016) Role of Pro-637 and Gln-642 in human glucocorticoid receptors and Ser-843 and Leu-848 in mineralocorticoid receptors in their differential responses to cortisol and aldosterone. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 159. pp. 31-40.

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Mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR) are descended from a common ancestral corticoid receptor. The basis for specificities of human MR for aldosterone and human GR for glucocorticoids, such as cortisol, bearing 17α-hydroxyl-groups, is incompletely understood. Differences in MR at S843 and L848 and GR at the corresponding P637 and Q642 have been proposed as important in their different responses to glucocorticoids with 17α-hydroxyl-groups. We investigated the impact of these residues on binding affinity (Ki) and transcriptional activation (EC50) of mutants MR-S843P, MR-L848Q and MR-S843P/L848Q and mutants GR-P637S, GR-Q642L and GR-P637S/Q642L in the presence of different corticosteroids. Aldosterone, cortisol and corticosterone had similar affinities for wild-type MR and all mutants, while dexamethasone had increased affinity for the three mutants. However, transactivation of MR-S843P and MR-S843P/L848Q by all four steroids was significantly lower than for wild-type MR. In contrast, transactivation of MR-L848Q tended to be 3-fold higher for cortisol and corticosterone and increased 7-fold for dexamethasone, indicating that MR-L848Q has an increased response to glucocorticoids, while retaining a strong response to aldosterone. Compared to wild-type GR, GR-P637S and GR-Q642L had increased affinities and significantly increased transcriptional activity with aldosterone and corticosterone, and GR-P637S had similar transcriptional activity with cortisol and dexamethasone, while GR-Q642L and GR-P637S/Q642L had a significant decrease in transcriptional activity with cortisol and dexamethasone. 3D-models of these MR and GR mutants revealed that dexamethasone and aldosterone, respectively, fit nicely into the steroid-binding pocket, consistent with the affinity of dexamethasone for MR mutants and aldosterone for GR mutants.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften > Pharmazie > Molecular and Systems Toxicology (Odermatt)
UniBasel Contributors:Odermatt, Alex
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:03 Jan 2017 10:23
Deposited On:03 Jan 2017 10:23

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