
Neutrino-driven Winds in the Aftermath of a Neutron Star Merger: Nucleosynthesis and Electromagnetic Transients

Martin, D. and Perego, A. and Arcones, A. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Korobkin, O. and Rosswog, S.. (2015) Neutrino-driven Winds in the Aftermath of a Neutron Star Merger: Nucleosynthesis and Electromagnetic Transients. The Astrophysical Journal , 813 (1). p. 2.

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We present a comprehensive nucleosynthesis study of the neutrino-driven wind in the aftermath of a binary neutron star merger. Our focus is the initial remnant phase when a massive central neutron star is present. Using tracers from a recent hydrodynamical simulation, we determine total masses and integrated abundances to characterize the composition of unbound matter. We find that the nucleosynthetic yields depend sensitively on both the life time of the massive neutron star and the polar angle. Matter in excess of up to 9 × 10−3 M⊙ becomes unbound until ~200 ms. Due to electron fractions of Ye ≈ 0.2–0.4, mainly nuclei with mass numbers A < 130 are synthesized, complementing the yields from the earlier dynamic ejecta. Mixing scenarios with these two types of ejecta can explain the abundance pattern in r-process enriched metal-poor stars. Additionally, we calculate heating rates for the decay of the freshly produced radioactive isotopes. The resulting light curve peaks in the blue band after about 4 hr. Furthermore, high opacities due to heavy r-process nuclei in the dynamic ejecta lead to a second peak in the infrared after 3–4 days.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Former Organization Units Physics > Theoretische Physik Astrophysik (Thielemann)
UniBasel Contributors:Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:IOP Publishing
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:30 Jun 2016 11:02
Deposited On:18 May 2016 14:31

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