
How large are actor and partner effects of personality on relationship satisfaction? : The importance of controlling for shared method variance

Orth, Ulrich. (2013) How large are actor and partner effects of personality on relationship satisfaction? : The importance of controlling for shared method variance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39 (10). pp. 1359-1372.

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Previous research suggests that the personality of a relationship partner predicts not only the individual’s own satisfaction with the relationship but also the partner’s satisfaction. Based on the actor–partner interdependence model, the present research tested whether actor and partner effects of personality are biased when the same method (e.g., self-report) is used for the assessment of personality and relationship satisfaction and, consequently, shared method variance is not controlled for. Data came from 186 couples, of whom both partners provided self- and partner reports on the Big Five personality traits. Depending on the research design, actor effects were larger than partner effects (when using only self-reports), smaller than partner effects (when using only partner reports), or of about the same size as partner effects (when using self- and partner reports). The findings attest to the importance of controlling for shared method variance in dyadic data analysis.
Faculties and Departments:07 Faculty of Psychology > Departement Psychologie > Ehemalige Einheiten Psychologie > Entwicklungs- und Persönlichkeitspsychologie (Orth)
UniBasel Contributors:Orth, Ulrich
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:SAGE Publications
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:01 Nov 2017 15:10
Deposited On:07 Nov 2014 08:28

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