
Development and validation of the Kilifi epilepsy beliefs and attitude scale

Mbuba, C. K. and Abubakar, A. and Hartley, S. and Odermatt, P. and Newton, C. R. and Carter, J. A.. (2012) Development and validation of the Kilifi epilepsy beliefs and attitude scale. Epilepsy & behavior, Vol. 24, H. 4. pp. 480-487.

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Epilepsy remains misunderstood, particularly in resource poor countries (RPC). We developed and validated a tool to assess beliefs and attitudes about epilepsy among people with epilepsy (PWE) in Kilifi, Kenya. The 50-item scale was developed through a literature review and qualitative study findings, and its reliability and validity were assessed with 673 PWE. A final scale of 34 items had Cronbach's alpha scores for the five subscales: causes of epilepsy (alpha=0.71); biomedical treatment of epilepsy (alpha=0.70); cultural treatment of epilepsy (alpha=0.75); risk and safety concerns about epilepsy (alpha=0.56); and negative attitudes about epilepsy (alpha=0.76) and entire scale (alpha=0.70). Test-retest reliability was acceptable for all the subscales. The Kilifi Epilepsy Beliefs and Attitude Scale is a reliable and valid tool that measures beliefs and attitudes about epilepsy. It may be useful in other RPC or as a tool to assess the effectiveness of interventions to improve knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes about epilepsy
Faculties and Departments:09 Associated Institutions > Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) > Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH) > Eco System Health Sciences
UniBasel Contributors:Odermatt, Peter
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:19 Jul 2013 07:44
Deposited On:19 Jul 2013 07:42

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