
A parachute for the degree of a polynomial in algebraically independent ones

Vénéreau, Stéphane. (2007) A parachute for the degree of a polynomial in algebraically independent ones.

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We give a simpler proof as well as a generalization of the main result of an article of Shestakov and Umirbaev. This latter article being the first of two that solve a long-standing conjecture about the non-tameness, or 'wildness', of Nagata's automorphism. As corollaries we get interesting informations about the leading terms of polynomials forming an automorphism in any dimension and reprove the tameness of automorphisms in dimension two.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Mathematik und Informatik > Ehemalige Einheiten Mathematik & Informatik > Algebra (Kraft)
UniBasel Contributors:Vénéreau, Stéphane
Item Type:Other
Publisher:Los Alamos National Laboratory
Note:In: arXiv.org e-Print archive [Elektronische Daten]. - Los Alamos : Los Alamos National Laboratory. - 2007, 0704.1561, 4 S. -- Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Other publications
Last Modified:08 Jun 2012 06:56
Deposited On:08 Jun 2012 06:47

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