
Early immunoneutralization of calcitonin precursors attenuates the adverse physiologic response to sepsis in pigs

Wagner, K. E. and Martinez, J. M. and Vath, S. D. and Snider, R. H. and Nylen, E. S. and Becker, K. L. and Muller, B. and White, J. C.. (2002) Early immunoneutralization of calcitonin precursors attenuates the adverse physiologic response to sepsis in pigs. Critical Care Medicine, 30 (10). pp. 2313-2321.

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OBJECTIVE: The 116 amino acid prohormone procalcitonin and some of its component peptides (collectively termed calcitonin precursors) are important markers and mediators of sepsis. In this study, we sought to evaluate the effect of immunoneutralization of calcitonin precursors on metabolic and physiologic variables of sepsis in a porcine model. DESIGN: A prospective, controlled animal study. SETTING: A university research laboratory. SUBJECTS: 30-kg Yorkshire pigs. INTERVENTIONS: Sepsis was induced in 15 pigs by intraperitoneal instillation of a suspension of cecal content (1 g/kg animal body weight) and a toxinogenic Escherichia coli solution (2 x 10(11) colony-forming units). During induction of sepsis, seven pigs received an intravenous infusion of purified rabbit antiserum, reactive to the aminoterminal portion of porcine prohormone procalcitonin. Another eight control pigs received an intravenous infusion of purified nonreactive rabbit antiserum. For all 15 animals, physiologic data (urine output, core temperature, arterial pressure, heart rate, cardiac index, and stroke volume index) and metabolic data (serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, arterial lactate, and pH) were collected or recorded hourly until death at 15 hrs. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In this large-animal model of rapidly lethal peritonitis, serum calcitonin precursors were significantly elevated. Amino-prohormone procalcitonin-reactive antiserum administration resulted in a significant improvement or a beneficial trend in a majority of the measured physiologic and metabolic derangements induced by sepsis. Specifically, arterial pressure, cardiac index, stroke volume index, pH, and creatinine were all significantly improved, while urine output and serum lactate had beneficial trends. Treated animals also experienced a statistically significant increase of short-term survival. CONCLUSIONS: These data from a large-animal model with polymicrobial sepsis demonstrate the salutary effect of early immunoneutralization of calcitonin precursors on physiologic and metabolic variables. Immunologic blockade of calcitonin precursors may offer a novel therapeutic approach to human sepsis.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Medizinische Fächer (Klinik) > Allgemeine innere Medizin AG > Argovia Professur für Medizin (Müller)
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Klinische Forschung > Bereich Medizinische Fächer (Klinik) > Allgemeine innere Medizin AG > Argovia Professur für Medizin (Müller)
UniBasel Contributors:Müller, Beat
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:23 Nov 2017 10:56
Deposited On:23 Nov 2017 10:56

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