
Functional Nanopores: A Solid-state Concept for Artificial Reaction Compartments and Molecular Factories

Puebla-Hellmann, Gabriel and Mayor, Marcel and Lörtscher, Emanuel. (2016) Functional Nanopores: A Solid-state Concept for Artificial Reaction Compartments and Molecular Factories. Chimia, 70 (6). pp. 432-438.

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On the road towards the long-term goal of the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering to create artificial molecular factories, we aim at introducing a compartmentalization strategy based on solid-state silicon technology targeting zeptoliter reaction volumes and simultaneous electrical contact to ensembles of well-oriented molecules. This approach allows the probing of molecular building blocks under a controlled environment prior to their use in a complex molecular factory. Furthermore, these ultra-sensitive electrical conductance measurements allow molecular responses to a variety of external triggers to be used as sensing and feedback mechanisms. So far, we demonstrate the proof-of-concept by electrically contacting self-assembled mono-layers of alkane-dithiols as an established test system. Here, the molecular films are laterally constrained by a circular dielectric confinement, forming a so-called `nanopore`. Device yields above 85% are consistently achieved down to sub-50 nm nanopore diameters. This generic platform will be extended to create distributed, cascaded reactors with individually addressable reaction sites, including interconnecting micro-fluidic channels for electrochemical communication among nanopores and sensing sites for reaction control and feedback. In this scientific outlook, we will sketch how such a solid-state nanopore concept can be used to study various aspects of molecular compounds tailored for operation in a molecular factory.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science
05 Faculty of Science > Departement Chemie > Chemie > Molecular Devices and Materials (Mayor)
UniBasel Contributors:Mayor, Marcel
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:18 Jan 2017 15:36
Deposited On:18 Jan 2017 15:35

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